The US continues to suffer economic difficulties stemming from the federal government's neglect to reform domestic and foreign spending. The citizens of the US suffer from blatant abuses of their rights such as the NDAA, the TSA, etc. Given that the state of Texas maintains a balanced budget and is the 15th largest economy in the world, it is practically feasible for Texas to withdraw from the union, and to do so would protect it's citizens' standard of living and re-secure their rights and liberties in accordance with the original ideas and beliefs of our founding fathers which are no longer being reflected by the federal government.
The above is posted on the White House website. It needs 25,000 signatures for it to be addressed by the president this afternoon at 4:30 I was signature # 82,754 a few hours later that number had jumped to over 88,000 at this rate tomorrow it should reach 100,000+. People are tired of the direction the United States is heading, big socialistic government, same sex marriage, political correctness, etc. Whitehouse Texas Petition
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