NEDERLAND, Texas – The Texas Nationalist Movement has expressed praise for the valiant Texas police woman whose bravery stopped the terrorist attack at Fort Hood Thursday, and re-affirmed that the organization stands “side by side” with the United States in the global war on Islamic extremism.
“Texas is known for the valor of its people, and on Thursday, officer Kim Munley added her name to the list of Texans who have faced evil and persevered,” Texas Nationalist Movement president Daniel Miller said. “Her courage and decisiveness in a tragic and confusing situation should be a shining example for all of us.” Miller expressed his organization’s condolences to those killed and wounded by the traitor/terrorist.
“We join our American brothers and sisters in mourning the loss of these fine soldiers and civilian personnel,” Miller said. “We pray for the swift recovery of those injured.
“Although our organization is dedicated to the peaceful separation of Texas from a United States government which has abandoned the Constitution, we will always stand side by side with our brothers and sisters in this war against the terror of radical Islamic fundamentalism,” Miller added. “Terrorism is an act of cowardice, and terrorism shall never deter Texas nor, we hope, the United States, from our roles as the defenders of Western civilization and culture.”
Daniel Miller is right on target, can you imagine how humiliating it must be for this Moslem terrorist to have been taken down by a woman? This Texas woman is no ordinary woman to me but is closer to a modern day Joan of Arc than anything else. She had been shot several time and the only thing she thought about was taking down this animal who was killing innocent people. I hope President Obama gives her the highest award that can be given a civilian. The Main stream "politically correct" Media still refuses to call this carnage terrorism. I bet you if it had been a Conservative Christian who had committed this act they would have branded it a terrorist act, on that you can be sure. But the FBI...why would they label Timothy Mcveigh a terrorist and NOT this SOB? All the more reeason for Texas to get out of the United States and become a Republic once again, at least Texans know terrorism when they see it and when they see terrorism they call it terrorism!
Impressive and attractive posting. I enjoyed it. I think others will like it & find it useful for them. Good luck with your work. ;-)